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What Will Maza Feed Lizzy If They Close Facebook? – Khondwani

Khondwani Has Thrown Shots At Maza Who Married Lizzy

Uncle Koko, also known as Khondwani, has waded into Maza The Comedian’s territory with biting commentary, highlighting Maza’s purported sole reliance on social media royalties for income, particularly from Facebook.

With a sharp tongue and a knack for stirring controversy, Khondwani questions how Maza intends to provide for his wife, the famed socialite Chi Lizzy, given this alleged financial dependency.

Known for his outspoken nature and propensity to critique media happenings, Khondwani’s remarks have ignited a heated discussion, prompting some to defend Maza’s educational qualifications, pointing out that both he and Lizzy are degree holders.

The Maza saga has thus become a focal point of public discourse, shedding light on issues of income generation and societal expectations within the realm of celebrity culture.

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