Exotic Music

Locksmith Destroys Mic On Sway In The Morning Freestyle

Locksmith Destroys Mic On Sway In The Morning Freestyle

Locksmith continues to impress with a Freestyle lyrical force, setting the mic ablaze once more on the renowned Sway In The Morning show.

Widely hailed as one of the greatest freestyles in recent memory, his performance has already sparked discussions about its lasting impact on the hip-hop landscape for years to come.

Since his initial appearance alongside Dre and Fat Joe in 2019, Locksmith has consistently stunned both hosts and audiences alike with his unparalleled skill and raw talent.

Despite his underground status, he is too formidable for the mainstream scene to handle. Locksmith is on the roll and he is getting better. 

The video is readily available below, serving as a testament to his undeniable prowess on the mic. Take time to witness him in his prime.

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