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I Have A Car For Hire In America, Zambians Will Say It’s A Lie – OC

I Have A Car For Hire In America, Zambians Will Say It’s A Lie – OC

Zambian music sensation OC, currently residing in the United States, has expanded his entrepreneurial endeavors by launching a car hire business.

This new venture signifies a significant shift from his musical pursuits, reflecting his versatility and ambition.

However, OC has recently come under scrutiny for often showcasing himself with various luxury cars that are not his own, leading to criticism from some quarters.

Aware of the potential backlash, OC preemptively addressed his fans in Zambia through a heartfelt social media post, urging them to support his new hustle and avoid jumping to negative conclusions.

He emphasized that this car rental business is a legitimate and promising opportunity, and he hopes his supporters will recognize the value in his efforts to diversify his career and secure a sustainable future.

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